Thursday, 28 June 2018

Ode Poem

An ode is a expression for something you like or love, hate. For example, it could be an object or a living thing. An Ode has six lines in the poem. Here's my Ode.

To Ode

You are the king of all poems.

You are like God ruling the Earth and Heaven.

An ode is like a firework setting up the sky.

You grow up to be famous to the world.

Oh Ode, how I adore you!

Here is my second ode poem. it is about clocks.

To clock

You are the best time teller I know

You are like the day time

You are the father among as all

Oh clock how I adore you!

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Science Roadshow

The Science  Roadshow took place on the 21st of June. I was very excited for the day. We traveled there on a bus even though the school was Edendale and it was very close. When we got there the year fives and six's in our school were early. When all the other schools arrived we started the show. The first part was called  the Fire and Ice show. They did a cool trick and pored kerosene over the fire on the candlestick, it was suppose to blaze up but instead it sparked and went out. Then  they put it into a sprayer and sprayed it and it blazed up like the cannons at  Eden Park when the All Blacks score.

At the end there was this challenge. You had this card and you were suppose to go to the green flags and answer the questions, If you got 2 or 3 or 4 punches in your card you would be in to win a prize.

Friday, 22 June 2018


This week for Book week I dressed up as Biggles (the army pilot). We did a literacy treasure hunt quiz ( I was the eldest in my group ). I love Book Week. It is  awesome, I thank the people who organised this fantastic week. At the end of Book Week's Friday there is a Book Parade. A book parade is when every class comes up onto the stage and each person in the class says what book character they are.  This is a picture of me dressed up as Biggles .

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Suzanne Albert

Our class and the other classes created flowers to celebrate the birthday of Suzanne Aubert.
We celebrate that Suzanne Aubert is such a role model and follows God.
We celebrate the canonizing of Suzanne Aubert.
Suzanne Aubert's birthday was the 19th of June.

Saturday, 9 June 2018

Finding the food group

Today we had to find which food went in which place, carbohydrates, dairy, protein, fiber, sugars. Today I learnt how to organised foods using a healthy eating plate.  Here is my plate I designed.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

The life cycle of a tomato

Firstly: The tomato drops a seed ready for a new plant to grow into a tomato.

Secondly: The tomato seed that was dropped grows into a young plant slicing roots into the ground.

Then: The young plant starts to grow into a mature plant spitting out leaves from the stem.

Next: The leaves start to grow into flowers growing buds and almost ready to grow a tomato.

After: The flowers of the plant start to grow into the fruit of the tomato.

Finally: The process of the tomato starts again from the start.