Tuesday 16 October 2018


WALT: Write an information report about a NZ bird.

What is the color of an army Jacket and sounds like a rifle? The Rifleman of course.
Rifleman is small bird only sizes up to 8 cm and  New Zealand’s smallest native bird. The Rifleman was 6 to 7g . The reason why the Rifleman was called a Rifleman because some of its fur was similar to the army jacket. Rifleman's scientific name was Acanthisitta Chloris. The Rifleman is not at any concern being endangered.

Rifleman live in the woodlands and forests also  rocky outcrops. Riflemen are native to New Zealand meaning that it lives in New Zealand only. But the Rifleman usually likes the forest as there are a lot of insects.

The Rifleman eats grubbs from the forest floor and small insects from tree trunks and trees.  They eat beetles spiders moths and caterpillars. The rifleman hunts with i'ts sharp beak.

The rifleman is the color of an army Jacket because it uses the colors and patterns of an army in that way it can blend in with their surroundings (camouflage). On the rifleman's feathers it has lines of colour finishing at the end of the feathers were most riflemen have black at the end of their feathers. The front of the rifleman is a shade of white on its body.  Most of the rifleman the rifleman backside is mostly green.

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