I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 6 and my Teacher is Miss Down.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Jesse tree
On the last week of school the year Fives are in charge of prayers. All of the year Fives have to do a reading about the timelines occurring up to Jesus or a goal the whole school have to try to accomplish these prayers are called Jesse tree. Today Wednesday I did a reading about the Passover of the lord, and how Moses and Aron were ordered to slaughter a year old male lamb for every person in Israel. then they were ordered put the blood of the male lamb on there doorpost marking that the Passover of the lord is coming or here. When I was on the stage I was really stage fright and I was relieved the i had done it.
Today for my passport I completed list 10 musical artist and their top hit. that got me 10 points. The artist included are Dave Dobbyn ,Exponents, Crowded house,Bic Runga, Dragon, Shihad, Fane Flaws, Split Enz, Che Fu and Julia dean
10 new Zealand musical artists and their top hit
Loyal by Dave Dobbyn
“Why does love do this to me “by exponents
“Don’t Dream it’s over” by crowded house
“Sway” by Bic Runga
“April sun in
Cuba” by dragon
“Home again” by Shihad
“Tears”, Fane Flaws
“I see red” split Enz
“ Chains” by Che Fu
“Lydia” by Julia Dean
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Today I was working on my passport and I chose to complete this activity. The activity was listen to five historical songs and list the song and the musician.
1. Slice of heaven by Dave Dobbyn
2.Don’t dream it’s over by Crowded House
3. April sun in Cuba by Dragon
4. Eagle rock by Daddy cool
5. Why does love do this to me Exponents
Passport Split Enz
Today me and Po'oi were working on our Split Enz slide. Split Enz is a NZ band from the past they started in 1973-1983. Split Enz songs Six Months in a Leaky Boat, I see red, Bold as Brass, I got you, Message to my girl and History Never Repeats. How did Split Enz come together ? Split Enz was founded by Tim Finn and Phil Judd. Split Enz members Neil Finn, Paul Hester, Noel Crombie, Mike Chunn, Neil Griggs, Miles Molding, Michael Barker, Eddie Rayner, Robert Giles, Phil Judd, Malcolm Green, Tim Finn, Emlyn Crowther, Wally Wilkinson, Mike Howard and Div Vercoe. I think Split Enz is great band and think that they shouldn't have broken up.
Top secret Experiment Sherbet
Today in science we did a sherbet experiment. The first step we had to try all the ingredients which included baking soda which tasted so salty and disgusting, icing sugar which was the tastiest of all ingredients, citric acid which was the most bitter and sour tasting and tartar acid which tasted tart and bitter. The we moved on to making sherbet. With my group we tried to create our own sherbet. We added icing sugar first then baking soda then citric acid and finally Tatar acid. We tasted it with a Popsicle it was sour and bitter it didn't taste nice. We added a bit more icing sugar and it tasted better than the last one. When everybody started tasting each other's my group started running out of sherbet so I quickly decided to make so sherbet myself. I put about 1 teaspoon of icing sugar in, about half a teaspoon of citric acid, tartar acid and baking soda. Mixed that together and it tasted awesome. I think mostly everybody liked my version of sherbet. This lesson is taught me that if something isn't the best you can always fix t by using something else or a least make it better than what it was before.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Why KFC is the worst fast food (in comparison of health )
Why KFC is the worst fast food (in comparison of health)
WALT: are learning to write a pervasive piece of writing
Today I’m going to talk about why KFC is the worst fast food. I will also list some of the five most disgusting and gruesome things about KFC. And why I hate it.
Firstly, I think KFC is the worst fast food because the first time I ate KFC the chicken was very small and bony there was barely any meat on the chicken, and the fries were loaded with salt and I did not like it . It tasted like loaded table salt on a potato and stuffed into it a bony chicken.
The second reason why I think KFC is the worst fast food because some of their food doesn't use free range chicken and you end up having a not so healthy chicken in your food , also the chicken “that isn’t free range” ends laying non free range chicken eggs. How many chickens does KFC use. KFC on average uses 1 billion chickens a year we might wipe out the chicken race.
Thirdly, to me whenever I flick on telly and when their advertisements come on they always come up with a rubbish burger name and it sounds disgusting like the “Chicken bacon supreme burger . “ what a rubbish name “
Forth reason If your on a low carb diet or on any diet nobody recommends KFC you can eat nothing there if you're on a diet were as subway you can eat a vegetarian sub and lots other options from subway also sushi is 100 times better that KFC.
So you should think about the next time you got to KFC and what eat because KFC it not the healthiest fast food so remember you should think double time about how you choose your food at KFC.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Friday, 30 November 2018
Top Secret Experiment spud gun
Over two experiment lessons in science this experiment didn't quite work. Spud guns are a straw with potato in both sides the point of a spud gun isn't for shooting people in the face but to see who can shoot the furthest. How do the gun's work? The gun's worked by air pressure. You use skewers to push from the blunt end from any side of the. Straw then the pressure builds up and forces the potato out the straw onto the grass. You can make go as far as you want depending on how much pressure is put into the straw but if the potato isn't soft enough for your straw to jab it in the straw will get all damage the straw and the potato won't shoot out as well. I bet some of our class was very disappointing that this experiment didn't work but some things in life don't work out as you expected.
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
St Peters College orchestra
On Wednesday the 21 st of November St Peter's College orchestra came to play at good shepherd. When I entered the hall I saw heaps of instruments including the saxophone, violin, trombone,trumpet, french horn, drums and more. The first song they played was the theme of a galaxy, it sounded dramatic like a movie,the second song was a haunted house the violin's played it really well. Then they payed the instruments by themselves to see what they sounded like. I think they were awesome at performing on Wednesday.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Bird Beak Experiment
Today in Science we did this experiment. We used these different forceps to pick up lollies, We experimented on how different types of forceps can be better than the others to pick up the lollies. Now how does relate to to bird beaks ? Because the forceps act like bird beaks pick up there food. The lollies we used were skittles and snakes. We found different forceps easier to pick up the lollies some forceps couldn't even pick up the lollies. My forcep that I chose wasn't able to pick up or stab the Skittles it was because the beak wasn't wide enough or big enough to fit the skittle and when you stab the skittle it went flying away somewhere . The good part at the end we got to eat the lollies.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Today in Athletics Connolly started with the running races. The adults called the people who wanted to run the 800 metre race . I didn't want to race the 800 hundred metre race. Then we had the 200 metre heats I came second out the one thirds of the nine year old's. Then I got put into the Finals then came 5th. In the athletics games I almost came third in shot put and like 5th in long jump. I love Athletics!
High Jump
I was nervous and anxious at the same. But I new I didn't need to be because I believed in myself. Today I was competing against my own age group in the school so I had to be good. In Athletics practice I got past the the 1 meter mark, but today I could fall on my high score. It started the right side started first then the left side. 2 minutes later it was my turn we started at the 80 cm I thought that's easy then I scissor kicked and got way past the bar. Then I got past the 85 cm bar, then 90 cm,95 cm. The 1 meter the one I got passed in Athletics I ran then I jumped I landed on the bar painfully. Mrs Glesson let me have another turn I landed back on the bar painfully. I said to myself " this is were your Journey ends Henry" sadly.
I was nervous and anxious at the same. But I new I didn't need to be because I believed in myself. Today I was competing against my own age group in the school so I had to be good. In Athletics practice I got past the the 1 meter mark, but today I could fall on my high score. It started the right side started first then the left side. 2 minutes later it was my turn we started at the 80 cm I thought that's easy then I scissor kicked and got way past the bar. Then I got past the 85 cm bar, then 90 cm,95 cm. The 1 meter the one I got passed in Athletics I ran then I jumped I landed on the bar painfully. Mrs Glesson let me have another turn I landed back on the bar painfully. I said to myself " this is were your Journey ends Henry" sadly.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Today we did a test set by the Ministry of Education for year fives . It wasn't the hardest test in all humanity. The test was split into 2 booklets: the proper test and the questionnaire. The proper test was split into two parts. Everybody in your class had different question orders. How long did the test go on for? 9:30-12:00. The test was fun because it was a challenge.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
In maths we have learning about Pede's, Pedes are a math pattern. How do you start off a Pede pattern?You're supposed to start with one or two squares then you add a number of squares and you have to make a rule. For example you add three squares each pattern. When we started our lessons about pedes it was very confusing at first, but with a buddy's help I started to get it.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Bike course
Today and Wednesday we did a bike course. On Wednesday we looked at how good are helmets were and how to be safe when cycling. My helmet didn't pass because it was four years old and it had cracks in it (so that gave me an excuse to get another helmet). The bike company that came was Bigfoot Adventures. They also taught us the 4 pointer test- check your pressure in your wheels, check if you have a reflector, check if your levers are pushed down and tight and finally check if your brakes work.
Today we learn bike skills and to keep two fingers on the brakes at all times. We played games using the bikes I think it was fun.
Today we learn bike skills and to keep two fingers on the brakes at all times. We played games using the bikes I think it was fun.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Kia Kaha
This week throughout uara (values), we have been doing Kia Kaha which is Maori for stay strong. In Kia Kaha we have been learning to make shields and help others. When we made the shields Mrs Drummond photocopied some shields and we started listing reason why ourselves are unique and why the class is special. This is my Kia Kaha shield.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Khan academy
Today Mrs Drummond let us on to this new website called Khan Academy. Khan Academy lets you on to videos and activities that teach new stuff. You can pick a topic on maths and challenge a question . You can levels up if you got enough question right on that topic. I've learnt more about about equivalent fractions and adding larger numbers example: 28,543 + 54,678 .So I recommend Khan academy. Here the website Khanacademy.com
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
WALT: Write an information report about a NZ bird.
What is the color of an army Jacket and sounds like a rifle? The Rifleman of course.
Rifleman is small bird only sizes up to 8 cm and New Zealand’s smallest native bird. The Rifleman was 6 to 7g . The reason why the Rifleman was called a Rifleman because some of its fur was similar to the army jacket. Rifleman's scientific name was Acanthisitta Chloris. The Rifleman is not at any concern being endangered.
Rifleman live in the woodlands and forests also rocky outcrops. Riflemen are native to New Zealand meaning that it lives in New Zealand only. But the Rifleman usually likes the forest as there are a lot of insects.
The Rifleman eats grubbs from the forest floor and small insects from tree trunks and trees. They eat beetles spiders moths and caterpillars. The rifleman hunts with i'ts sharp beak.
The rifleman is the color of an army Jacket because it uses the colors and patterns of an army in that way it can blend in with their surroundings (camouflage). On the rifleman's feathers it has lines of colour finishing at the end of the feathers were most riflemen have black at the end of their feathers. The front of the rifleman is a shade of white on its body. Most of the rifleman the rifleman backside is mostly green.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Cultural week
This week was Cultural Week. You got to choose which language you get to be in so I chose French. At the assembly your language had to do a performance. For french our group were going to hold up Banting and sing Frere Jacques. When we sang I was very anxious and nervous. In the French class we learnt how say Ja m'appelle Henri - my name is Henry. bonjour -hi ( most of us already knew that ).
I think French is a cool language.
I think French is a cool language.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
All Blacks vs South Africa
The All Blacks were off to a good start by scoring a try but not kicking the conversion. Doooooooooo the buzzer went for Half time. The score at half time was 24-17 to South Africa. I was trying to stay awake. Rieko Ioane scores a try the commentator says in the background. Full time the score was 36-34 to South Africa (sad). But at least the All Blacks have got three wins in the Four Nations. I learnt that the All Blacks can't win every game they play.
Monday, 17 September 2018
In class we have been spending our time art to do crosses. But it has to have something to do with our school GSS. My cross has red stripes on the left, yellow stripes at the bottom, red stripes on the right and orange stripes at the top. The GSS symbol and a Heart in between the GSS symbol and the orange stripes.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Raymond Huber
The author Raymond Huber came to our school to talk about his published books and non published books. The first book he talked about was Sting. He talked about how bees have a weapon but can only last once. He talked about how bees work and how hornets invade bees hives. He had other but he didn't talk about his other books as much as the bee books. There was a book that didn't get published because the publishers thought it was just weird.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Cloak of feathers
The whole class did a feather for Social Justice Week. Each of the feathers had a word on it I put Respect as my word also love. Once you've written the word or words on your feather you can decorate it any way you want. I drew love hearts with arrows pointing through the hearts 2x. My feather is the one with the big O and a white background. All the words on the feathers can help people.
Monday, 10 September 2018
Informative writing
In class we were writing informative writing about reptiles. I chose the Komodo dragon. The Komodo dragon lives on only 5 Indonesian Islands - 4 of those Islands have Komodo Dragon national parks. The Komodo Dragon is the largest lizard in the world. Hope you enjoy my slideshow.
Hauora Hands

In class we did hauora hands. They show us who we can go to when we feel down, for example. friends, teacher, adult and parents. All of these could help you to feel better and help you to be better at being resilient. Maybe you could make one? To remind yourself to go that person when your feeling down, so that person can help you. So try it out!
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Winning the ruby trophy
Winning the rugby trophy
Monday, 3 September 2018
Turtles Namuana
In reading we were studying pacific legions.
Tinaicobga and her daughter Ruadlice go on Journey. Then they meet kidnapping fisherman the sea gods aren't happy with the fisherman and turn Tinaicobga and Ruadlice into to turtles. This story originated Fiji.
Abram and Sarai
This the story about Abraham and Sarah. God promised them a baby if they moved to a different country. Imagine how hard that would be. It would be like leaving Auckland and moving to a different country. Will Abraham and Sarah get a baby or will they choose to stay were they are?
Friday, 31 August 2018
Mini BB fair
Mini BB Fair
Today was the Mini BB Fair. The Mini BB Fair is a fair with books and baking. My parents gave me $5.00 to spend on books and baking (although I only spent my money on the baking)
For the baking I got an M and M cookie, Chocolate chip cookie. Raspberry Muffin.
Every parent and child in the school got to participate baking or donating. My family didn’t Donate books because all our books were special to us, but we baked the raspberry Muffin ( but my dad didn’t help). The Mini BB Fair is one of the most special fair ( including the Good Shepherd School Fair. In my opinion.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Informative writing
Llamas are relatives of Camel and Alpaca. They have long strong hind legs, Llama’s focus color is usually brown or white on their body . They are mammals and are very furry on the outside of their body. Llamas are usually not a aggressive animals but they can get very angry. They have a long slender neck. Why does a Llama belong to the the mammal family? Because they are relative to the camel.
The habitat of a Llama is the Andes mountains in Peru south America. But many of them have been imported to different countries. eg. New Zealand. Llamas usually live on mountains or grasslands.
The Llama is herbivorous. In the wild Llamas feed on grass and hay also fruit and vegetables such as broccoli ,lettuce,sweet potato, carrots and apples. Llamas can eat 4.5 kg to 5.4 kgs of food a day that might sounds a lot but not for a Llama.
Llamas usually live for about 20 years. When at the right age the female Llama releases an egg. Llama's gestation period is 350 days.
A baby llama is called a cria. An adult Llama can weight up to 130- 200 kg
A baby on the other hand can weight up to 18 kg when born. The Llama is part of the camelids family. There are now numbers of up 158,000 Llamas in our word.
Winning the poem competition
At school there was a poem competition. Me and Po’oi choose be partners but I choose to write just one of my own as well. So the one I wrote won surprisingly! My poem goes like this.
Get out of bed
Turn on the shower
Gobble up Breakfast
And out in an hour
Through the gates
Into school
Forgot my lunch box
Oh what a fool!
Sit on the mat
Wonder what's in store
Reading writing maths RE
And more.
The bell rings
End of the day
No more school
Hip hip hooray!
Get out of bed
Get out of bed
Turn on the shower
Gobble up Breakfast
And out in an hour
Through the gates
Into school
Forgot my lunch box
Oh what a fool!
Sit on the mat
Wonder what's in store
Reading writing maths RE
And more.
The bell rings
End of the day
No more school
Hip hip hooray!
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Not that long ago Mrs Drummond gave us the privilege to use Prodigy. Prodigy is a maths game where you have to defeat monsters and complete quests. You also have levels and the highest is level 100. I'm level 41 at the moment. When you battle monsters it tells how much hit points (hp) you have, and you also get attack moves.
Prodigy is a maths game. The maths bit is when you're in the battle with a monster. Prodigy is a fun learning maths game I think all schools should use it.
Prodigy is a maths game. The maths bit is when you're in the battle with a monster. Prodigy is a fun learning maths game I think all schools should use it.
Saturday, 11 August 2018
I presented my speech on Tuesday this week. My speech was about plastic in the oceans. I had 10 cue cards. My score was 38/45 for peer review and for my overall score I got 66. My time was 2 minutes 42 seconds. My speech has facts about how we need to save marine life. One fact was about 12 million tons of plastic ends up in the sea a year. Another fact: not only do ultra violet rays break plastic down a microscopic shrimp like species called Orchestia gammarellus devour a plastic bottle into 1.75 million pieces of plastic.
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Mary Mackillop feast day

Today was Mary Mackillop Feast Day. We went to mass at 9:15 after we did activities with Room Seven, including writing about Mary Mackillop's life and doing some Aboriginal dot art. I think feast days are fun because its a nice way to celebrate the saint's feast day. Here is a picture, I am the one in the middle. I think Mary Mackillop feast day is fun we should celebrate like this every year at Good Shepherd School.
Friday, 3 August 2018
Today in science we dyed wet paper towels and dry paper. The wet paper combined colors and the dry ones didn't. The 2 colors stood on each side. After lunch we saw beautiful combined colors flowing around the paper towels. My classmates swarmed around to see the beautiful sight, and that was our science lesson for today.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Animal classification
Today we learned about how animals are classified into group. Animals are either vertebrates or invertebrates ( which meas they have a spine or the don't)
Invertebrates are animals like Jellyfish , crabs ,insects and octopus.
Vertebrates are put into five groups. They are mammals, birds and reptiles ad amphibians, Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young, Birds have feathers and lay hard, Reptiles are cold blooded and lay soft eggs, Amphibians breath through their skin and need help to keep their skin moist . Fish breath through gills and have fins.
Mammals: tiger, cow, spider monkey, pig, bull
Birds: sparrow, trumpeter, puffin, kea, bee eater
Reptiles : crocodile, turtle, tuatara , gecko , komodo dragon
Amphibians: salamander, caecilian, frogs, toads, newts.
Fish: guppy, shark, catfish, trenchfish, snapper
Invertebrates are animals like Jellyfish , crabs ,insects and octopus.
Vertebrates are put into five groups. They are mammals, birds and reptiles ad amphibians, Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young, Birds have feathers and lay hard, Reptiles are cold blooded and lay soft eggs, Amphibians breath through their skin and need help to keep their skin moist . Fish breath through gills and have fins.
Mammals: tiger, cow, spider monkey, pig, bull
Birds: sparrow, trumpeter, puffin, kea, bee eater
Reptiles : crocodile, turtle, tuatara , gecko , komodo dragon
Amphibians: salamander, caecilian, frogs, toads, newts.
Fish: guppy, shark, catfish, trenchfish, snapper
Friday, 6 July 2018
Sketch pad 5.0
Today we did book reviews on our favorite book. We tried google drawings but Mrs Gleeson found a another website called sketchpad 5.1. My book was Awful Auntie by David Walliams. My favorite character was an furious owl called Wagner so I had to find an owl, So I pressed cartoon and straight away I found a very good cartooned owl so I put that on my blank page. 5 minutes to go Mrs Gleeson said. I was done already, all the class needed to do now was put it on our book review. We all put it on our book review oops! instead of coming out with one owl it came out with four! I think sketch pad 5.1 made a mistake so I rated that website 6 and a half out of ten. https://sketch.io/sketchpad/
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Shared lunch
Today we had a very healthy class lunch to encourage a balanced diet. I brought what I call "pasta pie ". I loved the foods. People brought kebabs, cheese and crackers, sushi, pear, fruit salad, 20 mandarins and soda stream fizzy water. Shared lunch rocks! I wish we could have it every month.
Blessing Children
Today our group for religious education (me Bella, Eli and Setaita) did a video about children being blessed in the kingdom of god . All children get treated equally and none get treated badly. The charterers are The child: Bella, The Dad: me, Jesus: Setaita , The naughty disciple : Eli.
Here's a video.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Today for drama we split into groups to do performances about hilarious alternative endings to Hansel and Gretel. We got given pieces of paper to help us to make the rest of the performance. We got picked to do ours first and I didn't feel nervous as the other performances I've done in the past because I've done so many performances this term that I feel good about it.
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
On Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st we did a school production . The whole school participated. Our classes were Barbies and Kens. I was really nervous when the days came to perform but we did well. I wish there was a production every term! We used the song " I'm a barbie girl in a barbie world". I learnt a bit a about dancing and also learnt that dancing is hard.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Ode Poem
An ode is a expression for something you like or love, hate. For example, it could be an object or a living thing. An Ode has six lines in the poem. Here's my Ode.
To Ode
You are the king of all poems.
You are like God ruling the Earth and Heaven.
An ode is like a firework setting up the sky.
You grow up to be famous to the world.
Oh Ode, how I adore you!
Here is my second ode poem. it is about clocks.
To clock
You are the best time teller I know
You are like the day time
You are the father among as all
Oh clock how I adore you!
To Ode
You are the king of all poems.
You are like God ruling the Earth and Heaven.
An ode is like a firework setting up the sky.
You grow up to be famous to the world.
Oh Ode, how I adore you!
Here is my second ode poem. it is about clocks.
To clock
You are the best time teller I know
You are like the day time
You are the father among as all
Oh clock how I adore you!
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Science Roadshow
The Science Roadshow took place on the 21st of June. I was very excited for the day. We traveled there on a bus even though the school was Edendale and it was very close. When we got there the year fives and six's in our school were early. When all the other schools arrived we started the show. The first part was called the Fire and Ice show. They did a cool trick and pored kerosene over the fire on the candlestick, it was suppose to blaze up but instead it sparked and went out. Then they put it into a sprayer and sprayed it and it blazed up like the cannons at Eden Park when the All Blacks score.
At the end there was this challenge. You had this card and you were suppose to go to the green flags and answer the questions, If you got 2 or 3 or 4 punches in your card you would be in to win a prize.
At the end there was this challenge. You had this card and you were suppose to go to the green flags and answer the questions, If you got 2 or 3 or 4 punches in your card you would be in to win a prize.
Friday, 22 June 2018
This week for Book week I dressed up as Biggles (the army pilot). We did a literacy treasure hunt quiz ( I was the eldest in my group ). I love Book Week. It is awesome, I thank the people who organised this fantastic week. At the end of Book Week's Friday there is a Book Parade. A book parade is when every class comes up onto the stage and each person in the class says what book character they are. This is a picture of me dressed up as Biggles .
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Suzanne Albert
Our class and the other classes created flowers to celebrate the birthday of Suzanne Aubert.
We celebrate that Suzanne Aubert is such a role model and follows God.
We celebrate the canonizing of Suzanne Aubert.
Suzanne Aubert's birthday was the 19th of June.
We celebrate that Suzanne Aubert is such a role model and follows God.
We celebrate the canonizing of Suzanne Aubert.
Suzanne Aubert's birthday was the 19th of June.
Saturday, 9 June 2018
Finding the food group
Today we had to find which food went in which place, carbohydrates, dairy, protein, fiber, sugars. Today I learnt how to organised foods using a healthy eating plate. Here is my plate I designed.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
The life cycle of a tomato
Firstly: The tomato drops a seed ready for a new plant to grow into a tomato.
Secondly: The tomato seed that was dropped grows into a young plant slicing roots into the ground.
Then: The young plant starts to grow into a mature plant spitting out leaves from the stem.
Next: The leaves start to grow into flowers growing buds and almost ready to grow a tomato.
After: The flowers of the plant start to grow into the fruit of the tomato.
Finally: The process of the tomato starts again from the start.
Secondly: The tomato seed that was dropped grows into a young plant slicing roots into the ground.
Then: The young plant starts to grow into a mature plant spitting out leaves from the stem.
Next: The leaves start to grow into flowers growing buds and almost ready to grow a tomato.
After: The flowers of the plant start to grow into the fruit of the tomato.
Finally: The process of the tomato starts again from the start.
Monday, 28 May 2018
Switzerland poster
Room 5 did posters on countries during reading time. I choose Switzerland. This is only the first page of my project. One fact that I found out about Switzerland was that the population was 8.372 million people.
Monday, 14 May 2018
How a fire alarm works?
Have you ever wanted to know how a fire alarm works? Well today I’m going to tell you.
Smoke is made up of tiny particles (bits) and that's why it can leave a smell or make you cough.
Some smoke alarms have tiny lights inside and if the smoke particles get in the way of the light this sets off the smoke alarm.
A different type of alarm uses chemicals which give an electric charge. Smoke particles inside the detector change the amount and type of electric charge and this sets off the smoke alarm.
When the smoke alarm goes off accidentily you can either wave wind towards it or take its batteries out.
Also make sure your smoke alarms are working properly, this can happen when the clocks go back or forwards.
I hope you learnt something by reading my explanation.
Smoke is made up of tiny particles (bits) and that's why it can leave a smell or make you cough.
Some smoke alarms have tiny lights inside and if the smoke particles get in the way of the light this sets off the smoke alarm.
A different type of alarm uses chemicals which give an electric charge. Smoke particles inside the detector change the amount and type of electric charge and this sets off the smoke alarm.
When the smoke alarm goes off accidentily you can either wave wind towards it or take its batteries out.
Also make sure your smoke alarms are working properly, this can happen when the clocks go back or forwards.
I hope you learnt something by reading my explanation.
Monday, 30 April 2018
strip graph
Today was my first day of maths. I did a strip graph on who got the most fish, obviously the yellow team. Today I learnt how to read and write a strip graph.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
The storm
Room 5 has been writing poems about the storm last night.
I see the wind blowing wildly.
I hear the sound of trees in a battle.
I smell my dinner ready to eat.
I taste delicious food on the plate.
I touch the covers on my bed
I makes me feel worried.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Hi my name is Jack. I’ve heard the news. We’ve all heard there is going to be a war. Germany against the British empire. I am British, I am also very scared. My dad thinks I should hide at boarding school.The other reason is my dad has to go to war! My dad recently told I am going to boarding school. I am 10 and I sometimes get into some very deep trouble .
Brrm roared the car taking Jack to a British boarding school took off like the speed of light. “Dad” Jack moaned “do you have to do this ”. “Yes Jack I do”sighed dad and “I’m sure you’ll make lots of of friends.”I guess” I sighed “but I still don’t get why they have to force you to do this like you have 95% of dying”.
“You’ll get it when your older” said dad. “I might not be older”said Jack. kiddo here it is your boarding school . The boarding school towered over them a 3 storeys high school with no gym and no playground, it had long forest that must went for miles.”Bye” shouted dad as Jack got out of the car. Kids were streaming in the hallways there must be at least eight hundred and fifty kids he thought. Bam! He bumped into a kid that must of been the same age as him, a blonde hair boy.” Sorry” Jack said “I’m only new”.”well then in that case want to be friends he said.”Yes” Jack said I’m “Jack and who are you he asked”?I’m Harry he said,bring! bring! that's the bell Harry called. Jack and settled in for weeks and weeks but much did they know that the Germans were ready . Meanwhile in German engines of scout planes and Spitfires take off in decrection for braintian. 1 billion soldiers waiting near the british shores they can hear the sounds of planes and gun fires.
Weeks become months as Jack and his friend Harry learnt new things at their boarding school.Soon German soldiers will invade England and everybody forgot that war had started.One afternoon Jack read the newspaper he stared at the title on the front page it read: German/Nazi soldiers find a way in Britain. “Oh no shouted ” Jack and Harry together,the’ll be able to kill lots of children and adults.The next day something very frightening happen the whole building shook, the saw fighter plane ready to shoot in the sky.”Evacuate the building” said the head mistress , nearly every girl in the school screamed.”We have to think of a plan” said Jack,Boom! A fire missed the school.climb out window said Harry, no replied Jack that's too high.”We could run into the forest” suggested Jack. “Yes that's a brilliant idea Harry replied”.But before they could sprint out the building there was three German spitfires pointing their aim straight at them.In front of them were the remains of bodies.” Be brave” said Jack.But instead of firing at them it fired at the opposite squad of fighter plane right behind them.Run! I said their the british spitfires.Bullets skimmed close to me and I dodged it so with Harry.I think my friend is very intelligent, ran into the forest we could hear gun fires of the planes and then we could hear voices,my heart froze were in the middle of a british battle field. “How are we going to get out of here I exclaimed, there’s about fifty fighter planes, 300 german soldiers patrolling the street and a battle field in front of us”.
Brrm roared the car taking Jack to a British boarding school took off like the speed of light. “Dad” Jack moaned “do you have to do this ”. “Yes Jack I do”sighed dad and “I’m sure you’ll make lots of of friends.”I guess” I sighed “but I still don’t get why they have to force you to do this like you have 95% of dying”.
“You’ll get it when your older” said dad. “I might not be older”said Jack. kiddo here it is your boarding school . The boarding school towered over them a 3 storeys high school with no gym and no playground, it had long forest that must went for miles.”Bye” shouted dad as Jack got out of the car. Kids were streaming in the hallways there must be at least eight hundred and fifty kids he thought. Bam! He bumped into a kid that must of been the same age as him, a blonde hair boy.” Sorry” Jack said “I’m only new”.”well then in that case want to be friends he said.”Yes” Jack said I’m “Jack and who are you he asked”?I’m Harry he said,bring! bring! that's the bell Harry called. Jack and settled in for weeks and weeks but much did they know that the Germans were ready . Meanwhile in German engines of scout planes and Spitfires take off in decrection for braintian. 1 billion soldiers waiting near the british shores they can hear the sounds of planes and gun fires.
Weeks become months as Jack and his friend Harry learnt new things at their boarding school.Soon German soldiers will invade England and everybody forgot that war had started.One afternoon Jack read the newspaper he stared at the title on the front page it read: German/Nazi soldiers find a way in Britain. “Oh no shouted ” Jack and Harry together,the’ll be able to kill lots of children and adults.The next day something very frightening happen the whole building shook, the saw fighter plane ready to shoot in the sky.”Evacuate the building” said the head mistress , nearly every girl in the school screamed.”We have to think of a plan” said Jack,Boom! A fire missed the school.climb out window said Harry, no replied Jack that's too high.”We could run into the forest” suggested Jack. “Yes that's a brilliant idea Harry replied”.But before they could sprint out the building there was three German spitfires pointing their aim straight at them.In front of them were the remains of bodies.” Be brave” said Jack.But instead of firing at them it fired at the opposite squad of fighter plane right behind them.Run! I said their the british spitfires.Bullets skimmed close to me and I dodged it so with Harry.I think my friend is very intelligent, ran into the forest we could hear gun fires of the planes and then we could hear voices,my heart froze were in the middle of a british battle field. “How are we going to get out of here I exclaimed, there’s about fifty fighter planes, 300 german soldiers patrolling the street and a battle field in front of us”.
”Right” said Harry.” Oi yelled a german commander looks like you have no escape”. “Run” I yelled to Harry he sprinted.
“Seize the boy the german” yelled in a hastie voice.I went pitch black in a second and it was cramped it must been those brown bags they use in old cartoons for stealing pounds and notes, and let me leave this one out they use these bags for kidnapping.
Screech! A rain pulled for a halt.”Get out a voice yelled” “yes your at death camp”.”But I’m not a soldier”I examiled “I’m a school boy, just an ordinary school boy” Jack stammered.”An ordinary school boy eh said the german commander,then why did see you on battlefield”.”Lock him up he starts work tomorrow yelled the commander. “No I can explained Shouted Jack in fear! Clank the jail cell door slammed ,”No” sobbed Jack ,Harry going to be all on his own in the middle of a battlefield not knowing what to do and I'm locked up in death camp, and their proply going to kill me in 10 years. “Cheer up lady I was sent to death camp for shooting a league 1 german commander”.
Chirp chirp the birds were singing into the night,ruffle ruffle.”Jack” “Jack” ,”who is that” said Jack . “Your friend Harry” said Harry , and you’d probably want to move out of the way”. He waved the bazooka around.Bam! bam!The man in Jack cell woke up and yelled “yippee” “ I'm outta here”.But the minute he after the old man said a word siren went off and they could voices saying “show yourself or you’ll regret it. Harry held the bazooka and gave Jack a handgun.” this is the only way out “shouted Harry bravely.”Yes” Jack replied “fighting”, Harry waved his bazooka around Bam! Like before but louder, now gun fires were going all over the place.Now engines were roaring and something light green coming out of the distance.” Tanks” shouted Harry “3 of them”, “oh no” Jack shouted back. Bam ! Pieces of the building went flying in the air. The tank urged forward search the place anybody who’s out there cell gets a spanking.
“Phew I’m glad we got out of that dirty camp” said Jack quietly.”Me too” said Harry.” but what do we do now” asked Harry.’Suspect we go back to the the battlefield replied Jack,”what I rescued you Just so we could go back to the battlefield. ”Come on Harry I want finish the Nazi’s off with the british said Jack ”. “No we’ll go home” said Harry.
“There is no home” said Jack.
“It’s always home with you Jack” said Harry.
“Thanks” said Jack.
“Seize the boy the german” yelled in a hastie voice.I went pitch black in a second and it was cramped it must been those brown bags they use in old cartoons for stealing pounds and notes, and let me leave this one out they use these bags for kidnapping.
Screech! A rain pulled for a halt.”Get out a voice yelled” “yes your at death camp”.”But I’m not a soldier”I examiled “I’m a school boy, just an ordinary school boy” Jack stammered.”An ordinary school boy eh said the german commander,then why did see you on battlefield”.”Lock him up he starts work tomorrow yelled the commander. “No I can explained Shouted Jack in fear! Clank the jail cell door slammed ,”No” sobbed Jack ,Harry going to be all on his own in the middle of a battlefield not knowing what to do and I'm locked up in death camp, and their proply going to kill me in 10 years. “Cheer up lady I was sent to death camp for shooting a league 1 german commander”.
Chirp chirp the birds were singing into the night,ruffle ruffle.”Jack” “Jack” ,”who is that” said Jack . “Your friend Harry” said Harry , and you’d probably want to move out of the way”. He waved the bazooka around.Bam! bam!The man in Jack cell woke up and yelled “yippee” “ I'm outta here”.But the minute he after the old man said a word siren went off and they could voices saying “show yourself or you’ll regret it. Harry held the bazooka and gave Jack a handgun.” this is the only way out “shouted Harry bravely.”Yes” Jack replied “fighting”, Harry waved his bazooka around Bam! Like before but louder, now gun fires were going all over the place.Now engines were roaring and something light green coming out of the distance.” Tanks” shouted Harry “3 of them”, “oh no” Jack shouted back. Bam ! Pieces of the building went flying in the air. The tank urged forward search the place anybody who’s out there cell gets a spanking.
“Phew I’m glad we got out of that dirty camp” said Jack quietly.”Me too” said Harry.” but what do we do now” asked Harry.’Suspect we go back to the the battlefield replied Jack,”what I rescued you Just so we could go back to the battlefield. ”Come on Harry I want finish the Nazi’s off with the british said Jack ”. “No we’ll go home” said Harry.
“There is no home” said Jack.
“It’s always home with you Jack” said Harry.
“Thanks” said Jack.
Saturday, 7 April 2018
Burj Khalifa
Brm! The Dubai bus to the Dubai mall took off and we were on it. I wanted to get there quick because we were going to the Burj Khalifa, but I liked looking at the beautiful scenery and talking to Dad.
Finally we got to the Dubai mall, but it was not time to go up the Burj Khalifa yet. We looked around a bit and had lunch and that passed the time. We went to 'Five Guys' to have lunch and when we were halfway through our burgers the tremendous Dubai fountains came on. When the Dubai fountains went off my digestive system didn’t digest my burger properly.
Finally we got to the Dubai mall, but it was not time to go up the Burj Khalifa yet. We looked around a bit and had lunch and that passed the time. We went to 'Five Guys' to have lunch and when we were halfway through our burgers the tremendous Dubai fountains came on. When the Dubai fountains went off my digestive system didn’t digest my burger properly.
I said “Dad shall we go up the Burj Khalifa now?", so we walked through the mall until we reached the sign that said 'up the Burj Khalifa'. We went and bought tickets then we queued.
We reached the lifts and got in, I was so excited. As the lifts zoomed towards level 124 our ears fuzzed. We had reached our destination. The lifts opened, I hurried to the tremendous view and could see The Palms (The Palms is a man made resort in the shape of a palm) in the distance where our beautiful hotel stood. I could also see the isolated parts of the desert. We went and looked around us I bought a key ring of the Burj Khalifa and when I looked back at the view I felt a shiver down my spine.
“Shall we go have a photo?” said Dad
“yes”I said.
We went to get our photos of us climbing the Burj Khalifa (we weren't actually climbing it though). We went to look at the price for the photos which were 300 a-e-d and in New Zealand dollars that about one hundred dollars (without a photo frame!).
“Shall we go have a photo?” said Dad
“yes”I said.
We went to get our photos of us climbing the Burj Khalifa (we weren't actually climbing it though). We went to look at the price for the photos which were 300 a-e-d and in New Zealand dollars that about one hundred dollars (without a photo frame!).
We had one last look at the view before we went back down. My day was brilliant, I thought as I fell asleep back on the bus.
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
The House
The house was unusual enough, it had: 3 sets of stairs, 20 rooms and a little shed and in the kids box it had a tabogin.
Our cousins were there and we did what kids usually do, wrestling, making loud commotion and annoying our parents. We were playing hide and seek like a bunch of goofs doing nothing important.
Friday, 16 March 2018
What is kind isn’t always popular and what is popular isn’t always kind.
We learned about mantras. Mantras are positive sayings that inspire us. We did this to think positive because it helps us to be resilient. This is the mantra I chose.
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
My Pepha
Ko Aotearoa toka whenua
Ko Tāmakimakaurau toku tāone
Ko Puketapapa toku maunga
Ko Te Tai Rehua moana
Ko Ingarangi toku waka
Ko Russell toku iwi
Ko Matthew Russell toku papa
Ko Laura Russell toku mama
Ko Henry toku ingoa
Friday, 16 February 2018
A bit about me
A bit about me
Hi my name is Henry Russell, I like pasta as my favorite food. I play rugby and cricket, I have two Guinea pigs they are called pumpkin and spooky pieces, I have two best friends called Liam and Harrison. I go to church on Sunday, My most liked movie series is Star Wars then Indiana Jones, I liked going to Dubai in the summer holidays.We had Christmas in England the temperatures were below zero and was very cold. On the way back to New Zealand we stopped back in Dubai and met our friends, on our last day we went to Dubai theme park. We only went to motion gate and Lego land which was fun,at motion gate I went on Madagascar ride without knowing that it wasn't actually a babyish ride it went like a 100 kilometers an hour. When I got off the ride it felt like my hair was sticking upright. I hope you learnt a bit about me.
Hi my name is Henry Russell, I like pasta as my favorite food. I play rugby and cricket, I have two Guinea pigs they are called pumpkin and spooky pieces, I have two best friends called Liam and Harrison. I go to church on Sunday, My most liked movie series is Star Wars then Indiana Jones, I liked going to Dubai in the summer holidays.We had Christmas in England the temperatures were below zero and was very cold. On the way back to New Zealand we stopped back in Dubai and met our friends, on our last day we went to Dubai theme park. We only went to motion gate and Lego land which was fun,at motion gate I went on Madagascar ride without knowing that it wasn't actually a babyish ride it went like a 100 kilometers an hour. When I got off the ride it felt like my hair was sticking upright. I hope you learnt a bit about me.
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